English: 3rd Year College

Unit 10 (Hobbies) - Study skills



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Activity 1 (Vocabulary: hobbies)

1-2/ Activity 2 (Noting new vocabulary)

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2


I- Activities


1-1/ Activity 1 (Vocabulary: hobbies)

  1. Listen to the words for hobbies, then match them with the pictures :
1- playing computer games
2- Playing musical instruments
3- drawing pictures
4- listening to music
5- gardening
6- cooking
7- reading a book
8- playing draughts

  1. Ask and answer questions about hobbies and interests.



1-2/ Activity 2 (Noting new vocabulary)

Look at Tarik's vocabulary notebook and answer the questions :

  1. Does Tarik draw pictures?


  1. Does he use translation?


  1. Does he write the pronunciation?


  1. Does he use new words in sentences?


  1. Does he write a title to his word list?



II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

Match the hobbies with the pictures :

1. horse riding
2. taking pictures
3. playing the piano
4. fishing
5. hunting
6. reading



2-2/ Exercise 2

  • Play the game. What's my job ?

doctor - postman - mechanic - tailor  - waiter 

I repair cars
I ____________ clothes
I ____________ letters
I ____________ patients
I ____________ food in a restaurant
You’re a mechanic
you're ____________
you’re ____________
you're ____________
you're ____________
  • repair
  • serve
  • examine
  • deliver
  • make