English: 2Bac (All Streams)

Unit 3 (Education)
Language Quiz



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Exercise 1

II- Exercise 2

III- Exercise 3

IV- Exercise 4

V- Exercise 5


I- Exercise 1


Fill in the gap with the appropriate word from the list :

foreign - boarding - rural - dropouts - graduate

  1. My brother is a university ___________________ . He has just got his degree in Physics.
  2. We should encourage ___________________ to return to school.
  3. Learning ___________________ languages has become a necessity today.
  4. In Marrakech there aren’t many ___________________ schools.
  5. Illiteracy rates are usually higher in ___________________ areas.


II- Exercise 2


Put the words between brackets in the correct form :

  1. A lot of people in the countryside aren't (awareness) ___________________ of the importance of schooling.
  2. Parents have a big (responsible) ___________________ towards their children.
  3. Adults who have never been to school may join (literate) ___________________ classes.


III- Exercise 3


Match the words to make collocations :




IV- Exercise 4


Join the following pairs of sentences using the words between brackets :

  1. Samira checks her facebook every day. She wants to see if there is anything new. (so as to)


  1. Some students tend to have part-time jobs. They want to cover their education expenses themselves. (so that)


  1. The government distributes a million of school-bags every year. They want to encourage poor families to send their children to school. (for)


  1. They wanted to reduce road accidents. They introduced the new traffic code. (for the purpose)


  1. Some women wear high-heels.They don't want to look too short. (in order not to)



V- Exercise 5


Put the verb between brackets in the correct tense :

  1. The teacher cleaned the board after the students (finish) ___________________ copying the lesson.
  2. Anas had dropped out of school before he (be) ___________________ 10 years old.
  3. The plane already (leave) ___________________ when I arrived to the airport yesterday.
  4. After he (do) ___________________ his homework last night, Ali (see) ___________________ a movie.