English: 1st Year College
Unit 9 (Where does she work?)
Phonics (long vowels: a + magic e)
Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae
I- Activities
1-1/ Activity 1
1-2/ Activity 2
1-3/ Activity 3
II- Practice
2-1/ Exercise 1
2-2/ Exercise 2
2-3/ Exercise 3
I- Activities
1-1/ Activity 1
Listen, point and repeat :
I- Activities
1-2/ Activity 2
Listen and chant :
I- Activities
1-3/ Activity 3
Listen and complete the words :
II- Practice
2-1/ Exercise 1
Order the letters :
II- Practice
2-2/ Exercise 2
Write :
lake - gate - cake - face
II- Practice
2-3/ Exercise 3
Read. Circle the words with a_e. Underline the words with a :