English: 3rd Year College

Unit 4 (Food & drink) - Skills work



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Activity 1 (Reading)

1-2/ Activity 2 (Speaking)

1-3/ Activity 3 (Writing)

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1 (Reading)

2-2/ Exercise 2 (Speaking)


I- Activities


1-1/ Activity 1 (Reading)

  • Read Anna's letter to Jamal, then correct the false sentences below :

Dear Jamal,

Thank you very much for your letter. Yes, tea is very important in England. We drink it in the morning, at lunch and before dinner. We drink black tea with milk. I put sugar in it, but my parents do not. I don't like tea very much. My favourite drink is hot chocolate.



  1. People in England drink tea at weekends.
  2. People in England drink green tea.
  3. Anna's parents put sugar in tea.
  4. Anna likes tea very much.
  5. Anna's favourite drink is lemonade.



1-2/ Activity 2 (Speaking)

  • Ask and answer your partner :

1- What do you eat and drink for breakfast?
2- What do you eat and drink for lunch?
3- What do you eat and drink for dinner?
4- What food do you like?
5- What drink do you like?



1-3/ Activity 3 (Writing)

  • Use your answers in activity 3 to write a paragraph about your eating habits :


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1 (Reading)

  • Read Tony ’s letter to his penfriend, Mehdi, then tick "True" or "False" :

Dear Mehdi,

Hi! How are you? I hope you are OK.

Do you want me to tell you about my family's favourite food?

Well, I like fish and chips and Italian pizza, but I don’t like vegetables or salads. My sister likes hamburgers and fruit; she eats a lot of bananas and apples. My brother likes meat and sandwiches. My parents are vegetarian, they don’t eat meat; they say it’s bad for our health; they eat a lot of vegetables, vegetarian soup, salads and fruit.

  1. Tony likes salads : _______
  2. Tony's parents are vegetarian : _______
  3. Tony' s sister doesn't eat meat : _______
  4. Meat is good for our health : _______
  5. Tony has one sister and two brothers : _______
  6. Tony’s parents don’t eat fruit : _______



2-2/ Exercise 2 (Speaking)

  1. Practise with your partner :
Do you like ? You Your partner
Yes No Yes No
ice cream        
  1. Report to class about your partner :

Example : My friend likes chips but he doesn’t like tea.

1- _______________________________________

2- _______________________________________

3- _______________________________________