English: 3rd Year College

Unit 1 (Hello) - Review



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Activity 1 (Communication)

1-2/ Activity 2 (Grammar)

1-3/ Activity 3 (Vocabulary)



1-1/ Activity 1 (Communication)

  • Complete the dialogues :

Betty : What's your name?
You : _________________________
Betty : How do you spell it?
You : _________________________
Betty : How old are you?
You : _________________________
You : _________________________
Betty : I'm Betty Wilson.
You : _________________________
Betty : I'm twelve. I’m a student, and you?
You : _________________________



1-2/ Activity 2 (Grammar)

  • Complete the table in your notebook, then choose the correct form of the verb be :



1-3/ Activity 3 (Vocabulary)

  • Write the correct form of the words :

Mdnoay : ___________
wlevTe : ___________
egaugnaL : ___________
Yares : ___________
ISohoc : ___________
tndSuet : ___________