English: 2nd Year College

Unit 4 (Wild animals) - Practice 1



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Exercise 1

II- Exercise 2

III- Exercise 3

IV- Exercise 4

V- Exercise 5



I- Exercise 1


Look and unscramble the words :


II- Exercise 2


What animal is it? Read and guess :


  1. It hasn’t got any legs. It’s long : _____________
  2. It’s got black and white stripes : _____________
  3. It’s a big cat. It’s orange or brown : _____________
  4. It’s brown with dark brown spots. It’s got a long neck : _____________


III- Exercise 3


Complete the sentences. Use these words :

taller - shorter - bigger - smaller

  1. An elephant is ____________ than a zebra.
  2. A bat is ____________ than an eagle.
  3. A giraffe is ____________ than a rhino.
  4. A zebra is ____________ than a giraffe.


IV- Exercise 4


Answer the questions :

  • What do tigers eat?


  • What do elephants eat?


  • Do dolphins eat honey or fish?


  • What do bears eat?


  • What animal eats insects?



V- Exercise 5


Look at the pictures and classify the animals :

Jungles   Deserts