English: 3rd Year College

Unit 4 (Food & drink) - Review



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Activity 1 (Communication)

1-2/ Activity 2 (Grammar)

1-3/ Activity 3 (Vocabulary)


I- Activities


1-1/ Activity 1 (Communication)

  • Complete the dialogues :

Mary : Would you like some __________ ?
Touria : Yes, please.
Mary : Would __________ a __________ ?
Touria : No, __________ .


I- Activities


1-2/ Activity 2 (Grammar)

  1. Complete the sentences. Use "a", "an" or "some" :

There's __________ banana in the fridge.

There are __________ apples on the table.

There is __________ water in the bottle.

There is __________ orange in the fridge.

  1. Complete the sentences. Use "don't" or "doesn't" :

Amina likes tea but, she __________ like coffee.

We __________ drink tea with milk. We drink tea with mint.

Mrs Bachiri __________ cook pastilla, but she cooks stew.

People in China drink tea with lemon, but we __________ .


I- Activities


1-3/ Activity 3 (Vocabulary)

  • Find the odd one out :

1- eggs, chocolate, biscuits, apricots.

2- orange, carrot, banana, apple.

3- tea, biscuits, coffee, milk.

4- fruit, drink, vegetables, orange.