English: 2nd Year College

Unit 4 (Wild animals) - Activities 1



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activity 1

II- Activity 2

III- Activity 3

IV- Activity 4

V- Activity 5

VI- Activity 6

VII- Activity 7

IIX- Activity 8


I- Activity 1


Read, look and find :

monkey - river - sea - trees - bird


II- Activity 2


Listen, point and repeat :


III- Activity 3


Listen and number :


IV- Activity 4


Listen and write :

  1. An eagle is bigger than a _____________
  2. A snake is smaller than a _____________
  3. A bear is bigger than a _____________
  4. A zebra is smaller than a _____________
  5. An elephant is slower than a _____________


V- Activity 5


Listen and draw lines to match the animals with the food they eat :


VI- Activity 6


Point, ask and answer :


VII- Activity 7


Read and answer the questions :

My favourite animal is the giraffe. It is very tall. It has got short hair (or fur) on its body. It is brown and has got dark brown spots. Its long neck has got seven bones, just like a human’s neck. It eats leaves from trees and drinks water every two days. It has got four stomachs.

  1. What colour is a giraffe?
  2. What does it eat?
  3. Has a giraffe got short or long hair?
  4. How many stomachs has a giraffe got?
  5. How many bones are there in its neck?


IIX- Activity 8


Listen and say :