English: 3rd Year College

Unit 8 (Sport) - Grammar



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Activity 1

1-2/ Activity 2

1-3/ Activity 3

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1


I- Activities


1-1/ Activity 1

Read the dialogue and answer the questions :

Ann and Nezha are looking at Ann's photo album.

Ann : Let's look at these photos.
Nezha : Let me look at this one. Are you roller skating here ?
Ann :  No,I'm not. I'm riding a skateboard.
Nezha : Are these your brothers ?
Ann :  Yes, they are.
Nezha : Are they playing American football ?
Ann :  Yes, they are. And this is my sister Liz.
Nezha : Is she swimming ?
Ann :  No, she isn't. She's playing water polo.

  1. Is Ann riding a skateboard ?
  1. Are Ann's brothers playing rugby ?
  1. Are Ann and her sister playing water polo ?



1-2/ Activity 2

  • Look at the dialogue and complete the table :



1-3/ Activity 3

  • Look at the pictures, then write questions and answers about these people :

  • Jane / skating

Is Jane skating ?
No, she isn't. She's skiing.

  1. Hamid / handball


  1. Monica / table tennis


  1. Omar and Talal / Judo


  1. Tarik / cycling


  1. Said / jumping



II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • Match the questions and the answers; put: is/are :
  1. ______ you listening ?
  2. ______ he sleeping ?
  3. ______ they playing ?
  4. ______ she sleeping ?
  5. ______ it jumping ?
  • a. yes, it is.
  • b. yes, I am.
  • c. No, she isn’t.
  • d. No, he isn’t.
  • e. yes, they are.