English: 2nd Year College

Unit 5 (City and space) - Practice 2



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Exercise 1

II- Exercise 2

III- Exercise 3

IV- Exercise 4

V- Exercise 5

VI- Exercise 6



I- Exercise 1


Look and write :

Earth - comet - spaceship - satellite


II- Exercise 2


Circle the words. Complete the sentences :

  1. I am a doctor. I work at a ____________ .
  2. I am a teacher. I work at a ____________ .
  3. I am an astronaut. I work at a ____________ .
  4. I am a waiter. I work at a ____________ .


III- Exercise 3


Listen and write the number :


IV- Exercise 4


What can you see in the city? What can you see in space? Complete the chart :

rocket - spaceship - comet - school - bookshop - satellite - bank - restaurant - supermarket - moon

  City  Space







V- Exercise 5


Compete the sentences with "do", "does", "don’t" or "doesn’t" :

  1. ____________ Bill go to school at 8.00? Yes, he ____________ .
  2. ____________ you eat lunch at 12.00? No, I ____________ .
  3. Tom ____________ like science. He likes maths.
  4. Does Lisa play tennis? No, she ____________ . She swims.
  5. Do you eat pizza? Yes, I ____________ . I love it.


VI- Exercise 6


Write sentences about Tom and jenny :

Tom walks _______________________________________
He doesn’t _______________________________________

Jenny eats _______________________________________
She doesn’t _______________________________________