English: 2nd Year College

Unit 5 (City and space) - Activities 2



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activity 1

II- Activity 2

III- Activity 3

IV- Activity 4

V- Activity 5

VI- Activity 6



I- Activity 1


Listen, point and repeat :


II- Activity 2


Listen and number :


III- Activity 3


Listen and write :

John is an ____________ . He is travelling in a ____________ . He is going to the ____________ .

Look at the sky. You can see ____________ , a ____________ and a ____________ .


IV- Activity 4


Look and say :


V- Activity 5


Read the questions. Listen and answer :

  1. Tony Johnson went to the space station in January / March.
  2. It’s hot / cold in space.
  3. Four / Five astronauts worked in the space station.
  4. Astronauts eat only meat / different things.
  5. Tony Johnson was not happy / happy to be on Earth.


VI- Activity 6


Complete Tom’s letter. Use these words :

spaceship - space - station - astronaut - Mars