English: 2nd Year College

Unit 1 (School day) - Practice 2



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Exercise 1

II- Exercise 2

III- Exercise 3

IV- Exercise 4

V- Exercise 5

VI- Exercise 6

VII- Exercise 7

IIX- Exercise 8


I- Exercise 1


Look and match the pictures with the words :

  • a. go to bed
  • b. cafeteria
  • c. do homework
  • d. in the morning
  • e. playground
  • f. in the evening


II- Exercise 2


Circle the words :


III- Exercise 3


What does May do at school? Put the pictures in order and say :


IV- Exercise 4


Circle the correct answers :

  • I like / likes art.
  • The boys eat / eats in the cafeteria.
  • She listen / listens to the teacher.
  • They read / reads in the library.
  • Anna and Emma play / plays in the playground.
  • Jack write / writes in English.


V- Exercise 5


Complete the sentences. Use these words :

go - gets up - plays - eat

Anna _____________ at seven o’clock.

Anna and her brother _____________ breakfast at half past seven. They _____________ to school at nine o’clock.

Anna has got science and English in the morning. At break she _____________ with her friends.


VI- Exercise 6


Complete the sentences about your friends. Use likes / doesn’t like :

_____________ is a girl in my class. She _____________ computers. She _____________ music. She _____________ maths.

_____________ is a boy in my class. He _____________ computers. He _____________ music. He _____________ maths.


VII- Exercise 7


Listen and complete :


IIX- Exercise 8


Write about your day. Use these words and phrases :

in the morning - science and English - in the afternoon - maths and music - play football - go home - 9.00 pm - after school

My school starts at nine o’clock. _______________________________________




